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22/06/2017 - 23/06/2017
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Hayon Farm

The Meuse-Rhine-Moselle Network (MRMN), made up of Belgian organizations – Nature et Progrès, Le Mouvement d’Action Paysanne, Li Mestère – and Luxembourg – SEED, was formed in 2016 with the support of the European coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity. The aim of the MRMN is to bring together and showcase the actors of the cultivated biodiversity in order to work together and to exchange not only seeds, but also the knowledge and know-how surrounding the peasants and citizens seeds. Further information at https://be2017.cultivatediversity.org/index.php/en/2017/04/12/lets-cultivate-diversity-22-and-23-june-hayon-farm/