Plants, water and climate change

Tuesday 29th May 2018

S. Maria di Sala (Venezia), az. agrituristica Papaveri e Papere

1_in_aulaESAPODA association (http://www.scuolaesperienziale.it/) hosted on 29 May 2018 the workshop “Plants, water and climate change” supported by CAPSELLA. Around 80 participants (farmers, technicians, active citizens) were present at the event.

2_in_campoMarco Moriondo, bio-climatologist expert of climate impact on agriculture, introduced the workshop explaining the definition of climate change and the possible implication to farming in the Mediterranean area. A participated debate followed on how farmers can adjust the agroecosystem management to adapt to climate change.

Luca Conte from ESAPODA explained how crops use water and how they behave when water is missing or over-abundant in the soil, facilitating a conversation with the participants on irrigation management.

3_in_aulaDiego Guidotti (CAPSELLA team at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) presented a number of ICT tools that can support farmers in water management.

Lorenzo Furlan (Veneto Agricoltura) deepened the discussion on the domain of water quality and on criteria to optimize water quality management under climate change scenarios.
At “Madre Terra” farm in Santa Maria di Sala (VE) participants could discuss in 4_in_campopractice of water management in a small organic farm. Andrea Giubilato and Valentino Mattiuzzo (farmers and ESAPODA members) presented their farm activities and facilitated a practical discussion on water management at farm level.

This workshop was a great occasion to exchange practical knowledge on water management and to introduce ESAPODA community, that participated to Soil Health pilot within CAPSELLA, to the ICT possibilities available on the irrigation domain, which is strictly connected to the soil fertility management.


Agenda (in italian)

Presentations (in italian)

Cambiamenti climatici e agricoltura: facciamo il punto della situazione. Marco Moriondo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-IBIMET
Le piante coltivate e l’acqua. Luca Conte, Scuola esperienziale itinerante di agricoltura biologica
Esempi di strumenti informatici a supporto della gestione dell’irrigazione. Diego Guidotti, Scuola Superiore sant’Anna
Qualità e gestione dell’acqua irrigua in un contesto di cambiamento climatico. Lorenzo Furlan, Veneto Agricoltura/Agenzia veneta per l’innovazione nel settore primario