Soil Health Assessment

Challenge Description


A healthy soil is pivotal for producing healthy food. The farmers preserve soil heath by maintaining and improving the soil organic matter content and the biodiversity of soil organisms and reducing the presence of substances that may be detrimental to soil fertility (e.g. salts, pollutants).

Sharing knowledge on how to manage soil health according to climatic condition, types of crops and agronomic practices could is very helpful for the farmers. We propose as a challenge the development of a tool allowing the farmer to monitor the soil condition by integrating his/her observations with available location-specific open data and share this knowledge with other farmers.

The app should be location aware. The app can query a set of maps available from the European Soil Data Center (ESDAC, provider of maps and web services about European soil conditions). The user can associate these data with a local qualitative soil health assessment. A set of soil health features (presence of living organisms, good water presence and compaction) will be graded on a 1-10 scale. Their own data and external open source data could be integrated in a synthetic indicator. The data can also be associated with comments, pictures and information about the agronomic practices. The users should be able to share their own data with other farmers, getting info about the closest farms, or soil with similar condition.


Datasets to be used


Sample list of farms and data

ESDAC page


Sample useful maps


Data about crusting risk

Organic carbon content

Natural Soil Susceptibility to Compaction


Designed Solution


You can check below the initial solution designed during the 1st stage of CAPSELLA hackathon.